Whether a gentle pitter-patter, or a heavy pour, nothing is as relaxing as rain. This morning I had to stand out in it for an hour and ten minutes. It was a mixture of light, and heavy, causing my pants to become soaked. How on earth could one find that relaxing?
I'm odd like that. My feet were wet and cold. My hands going numb, yet it was strangely soothing. Most of the kids I saw weren't wearing rain boots, a sad sight. How can they possibly enjoy stomping through puddles without the proper gear? It's little things like these which make me curious as to the future of mankind.
Rain has a tendency to wash things away. A little bit of dirt off my sidewalk, or chalk drawings. You can view it as a sad state of affairs, or that it's just mother nature erasing the old to make way for new and wonderful things.
Although the rain can cause some to ache, and others to get a chill which feels like sticking around, I try to see the positive side. Warm beverages to keep your insides going. Changing into warm socks after taking off wet ones is a favourite thing for me. (yes I am weird..thank you for noticing) Snuggling up under a blanket is a rare and joyous time, especially now that I have Vader to investigate my every move.
With all things, your perspective determines much. Try not to dwell on the negative for too long, or you might only be able to see bad days, where there are amazing ones.