Gods & Dragons
Dragons were the first sentient beings to exist on Melarandra. Many tales tell of their creation. Of how they came into being as a mirror to the Earth Mother's heart and soul: wild and untamed. Other animals began to walk the world, taking hold in different areas. Never allowing for much else to move in. Humans were the most dominant. Dragons never had names before the humans came into being. Knowing each other on sight and smell, the humans preferred to name the winged beasts soaring through the skies based on their look and habits. Only one still exists from the ancient times. LEEDA - Large Earthshaking Edacious Dazzling Animal.
Today's dragons have names. Some named by the ones who created them, but sometimes the naming is left up to others. Elves have been known to participate in this act.
GODS - under construction
There are many gods ruling Melarandra.
The Central Lands, being secluded for centuries, have forgotten all gods but three. The sisters, stars lumped together at all times in the sky, rule their lives.
Almena - Goddess of Stars - luck, chance and fortune
Ademorna - Goddess of Sun - learning, teachings and her monks have a dislike for taverns
Allorethna - Goddess of Moon - orphans, kindness, military and protector of those who travel in moonlight
The rest of Melarandra follow those three, and many more.
Earth Mother - Mostly followed by the elves now, but rules all things that grow.
Tem-Pater - The time father. Dark half, once linked to the Earth Mother
Nelvlick - Goblin god of good. Strong supporter of the Earth Mother
Ruineh - God of Assassins - Assassins Guild is called the Shadows of Ruineh
Narkomet - God of Healers - Followers are clerics and wizards. Wizards usually work for nobles and royals
Painish - Goddess of Prophets
Tampest - God of Oceans and Seas - creator of storms
Mirrah - Goddess of Oceans and Seas, below the surface - followers are mermaids (also known as merelves)
Dernekel and Marnekal - God and Goddess of South Lands - dark and evil
Nalmala - South Lands Goddess of Hope
Hummoond - Dwarf God
Kordleigh - Dwarf Goddess
Ulgrock - God of the Dead - Ruler of the other-world
Talmbern - God of Holison - ruler of the demon realm
Mistavia - Goddess of Fertility
Jagenmorn - God of War - Followed by Centaurs, Orcs, Goblins, Trolls and most Ogre tribes
Jacen - Wandering God - Followers are nomand, warriors and horsemasters called Sawa. One group, known as The Settled, stay in one place.