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Dancing in the Moonlight

For as long as I can remember, I loved being outside with the moon. Nothing felt better than walking along with only the moon, and the odd light, to guide you. Yes I carried a flashlight, but rarely did I use it.

My friends and I used to moon-tan. People would ask us all the time what that entailed, and it is quite easy. It's just like suntanning, but with a moon high in the sky.

I believe my youth is what started my love for all things nature. I could do so much, hear a lot, and felt like I was a part of the world around me. Of course as a kid I wasn't aware of things like Wicca, or Pagan ideologies. It was a great feeling when I did finally learn of these things.

My upbringing wasn't normal, to say the least. Speaking to ghosts, studying rune stones, tea leaves and other odd hobbies was a norm. Finding solace, and understanding, in nature didn't feel that strange to me. In a world bent on self inflicted idiocy, those who worshiped the earth, and all it entailed, made more sense to me.

As a grown up, I can say that I follow those paths with vigor now more than ever.

So go dance in tomorrow's full moon light. Let the light shining down fill you, and you may find something. Perhaps, a better you.